We got Josie for a short time at the end of her life. She was abandoned by her previous owner in poor condition. Right when we got Josie, we could tell she was gravid and not in good shape. She

We got Josie for a short time at the end of her life. She was abandoned by her previous owner in poor condition. Right when we got Josie, we could tell she was gravid and not in good shape. She
Gru was abandoned by his previous owner with a noticeable eye condition. We could tell that he had been fighting this for a long while. Once in our care, we took Gru to the vet and discovered that his problem
Fin is a sweet girl dragon who LOVES bell peppers and basking! She always watches people passing by her tank, hoping they might have a little treat for her. She is a calm, adult female dragon who is ready to
We got Brutus with our sweet rescue Popeye. Both Brutus and Popeye were found in a local ad. We reached out to see if we could take both of these sweet dragons and help them. They needed us. They were
Popeye is probably our most heart moving rescue. We received Popeye along with Brutus, another rescue. We saw a local ad with Popeye and Brutus housed together in a tank. It was instantly clear that Popeye had severe metabolic bone
Midge came to us with another rescue, Melvin. Midge was about three years old when we got her, so now she is a nice calm older dragon. Midge is a beautiful dragon with a bright orange beard. She is happy
Melvin came to us with Midge. Melvin has an interesting story in that, we do not know how old Melvin is. The previous owners said they rescued Melvin as an adult from an abandoned home. However, those owners did not
Right around Christmas of 2018, we received a call about a dragon in need. The people who contacted us said they had a 5 month old bearded dragon who hadn’t eaten in weeks. We went to get her right away.
Penguin is a very unique bearded dragon. He was already 5 months old when we got him. However, he was smaller than a tooth pick. Penguin was purchased by a family with two other baby bearded dragons at the age
Joel came to us through a local pet store that we partner with. Often, our partners receive dragons from owners who surrender them and need a place for them to go. When we got to the pet store, we learned
Belame was six weeks old when we got her from a common, chain PetStore. Have you ever wondered what happens to the sick or un-sellable animals at these big-box retailers? They are kept in a backroom of the store, waiting
Jasper was found on craigslist by a member of our facebook group Bearded Dragon Inc. This member reached out to the Bearded Dragon Foundation non-profit to try and save this beardie. Jasper was cohabited with a more dominant bearded dragon
This is the story of Cactus. Our nonprofit was contacted about a possible rescue on December 10, 2017. We learned that an owner had two dragons living together. One dragon was okay, but the one we were contacted about had